Soil is very important because it helps keep plants alive. Plants get their nutrients and water from soil.    

 The ideal soil contains equivalent amounts of sand, silt, clay, and organic matter. Soils across North Carolina vary in texture and nutrient content, making some soils more productive than others. Sometimes, the nutrients that plants need occur naturally in the soil. Othertimes, they must be added to the soil as lime or fertilizer.  

3 types of soil

* sand

* silt

* clay 


3 Important nutrients in soil

* Nitrogen- gives green color to leaves.

* Phosphorous- assist plant cell division.

* Potassium- helps resist disease, used for root growth, needed to make chlorophyll.  

How Phosphorus Functions in Plants
• Stimulates early growth and
root formation and growth.
• Necessary for cell division
and DNA and RNA formation.
• Improves the ability of plants
to absorb water and other
• Stimulates flower blooms
and seed development.
• Improves plant strength and
the ability to tolerate
unfavorable environmental
• Aids in photosynthesis and
food formation.

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